post date should be here
It's been a weird year!

So I got some stability! After working part time casual at.... 5 jobs at once... I got offered a place at a... furry... adult toy company. Its full time and everyone is really nice
but what a thing to have to introduce myself with lol.
I've been able to afford to like actually live my life this year which is crazy, even though my projects have suffered, I think its so worth it for my health.
I've been to London like 4/5 times for gigs, museum visits and a press screening which is wild. We slept in actual hotels instead of rushing home
and were able to take the train. We've been eating so much better, so much fresh veg and stuff
and just like being able to have a full fridge all the time.. its wild. Jumping from poverty to comfort is a real tonal whiplash.
I just passed probation a few days ago and its been a blur since I started honestly. I'm a product photographer which means
I'm basically stood in my own little room all day watching video essays and quickly editing/photoing things. I'm getting kinda buff in my arms from the comical
sizes of these things lmao. Its pretty monotonous but I'm used to it honestly from programming so much and at least I get to stand.
The commute however is a little bit hellish its like almost 2 hours each way so I end up spending about 12 hours away from home each day which is... rough! But I'm trying to practice for my theory test and to save up to drive though.
I'm playing through Eastward solely on bus journeys lately which is quite fun! I gotta figure out something to do in the evenings while I wait outside for the bus for an hour though aaaaaa
So rn I am.... behind to say the least lol. I really haven't finished anything dev related since this website. I've been able to chip away at some
art things while on work breaks.
I'm trying to take it easy as I can though! The industry has been in a rough spot and while I was looking for work I put so so so so much pressure on myself to make a good game
, but now I think I'm just going to be silly and weird with it. I have a lot of plans and I was gonna share them but ya know what? Nah! I think that's gonna stress me out to so its all my
little secrets now mwahahahah
I think I might make a gallery section of this site to specifically show and host new art, shouldn't take too long!
I'm gonna make another post with my best media of the year so keep your eyes peeled! Thanks for keeping it kero!